About us

We’ve got the best for you

Welcome to Ziegler Co.

The services of Ziegler Co. are provided in strict compliance with the requirements of local legislations with all required permits and certificates obtained.

over 10 years

of experience

> 200

successful projects

> 100000

pages translated annually

- 0 -

zero-rejections performance

Translation of medical texts

We translate pharmaceutical, biomedical, biochemical and technical medical texts of any complexity.

Working with languages of all countries of Europe and the CIS

  • medical documentation
  • licenses and quality certificates
  • approval documents
  • medical instructions
  • technical medical texts
  • clinical trial results
  • scientific medical literature (articles, textbooks, books and monographs)

Project support

We provide support of information/scientific projects

Translating, performing subject search and information analysis

  • selection and processing of information on the topics specified by the customer (meta-analysis of literature, market and local legislation reviews, search for evidence, global reference search, search for copyright holders, intermediary functions, etc.)
  • translation of medical articles, books and monographs on customer’s request
  • translation of medical articles of the customer and publishing in specialised medical publications


We provide assistance in preparing SOPs

Writing and editing Standard Operating Procedures

  • SOP is a set of documents required for the implementation of a quality management system
  • Compliance with the international ISO 9001 standard

Mediation in negotiations

We offer mediation in business negotiations

We guarantee:

  • quality support of negotiations between multilingual companies
  • confidentiality
  • flexibility

Medical conferences

We assist in preparing for international medical conferences

Speech writing, educational activities.

  • preparing presentations in a foreign language (writing a speech, text of a report)
  • translation of speeches of conference participants

GMP inspections support

Comprehensive support of GMP inspections

Experience in Europe and CIS

  • pre-inspection advisory services
  • fast translation of additional materials
  • NB: zero negative response in the entire history of the company

Regulatory support

We provide regulatory support.

Compilation and preparation:

  • preparing normative documentation
  • preparing registration dossiers

Our team leaders

Maria Ziegler


Member of the Union of Translators of Russia Authorised translator of ITPC in CIS

Professional background: interpreter, translator, editor; consulting on research writing and publications, patents, pharmacopoeia monographs, etc. in EU and USA.

Academic background: Novgorod State University (Translation [English, French], Law), Étaples-sur-Mer Language School, France.

Olga Kozlova, MD

Translator, Psychiatrist

Clinical trials specialist

Professional background: Assistant at V.P. Serbsky’s Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology Department of International Relations Development with WHO, Psychiatrist at Clinical Hospital, Clinical trials specialist in pharmaceutical and narcology centers.

Academic background: Tver State Medical Academy (MD in General Medicine), V.P. Serbsky’s Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology (Medical Residency in Psychiatry)

Anna Smirnova, MD

Paediatrician, Translator, Editor

(English, Russian)

Professional background: Paediatrician at Municipal Polyclinic Paediatric Department, medical texts translator at translation agency.

Academic background: St. Petersburg State Medical Paediatric Academy, Internship Training in Paediatrics, Quality Control of Translation Training Courses.